Though Maya felt sometimes that she had been deceived, she thought that it was Vishwanath only who helped her achieve all her goals in life.

With that huge burden of good things done by him for her, she never complained about it to him.

However, while watching different children around, she felt like having her own baby.

And at some point, of time Maya felt the strong urge to experience the marital life and sexual pleasures, which she was deprived of partially.

She and Vishwanath had ruled out the possibility of adopting a child because Vishwanath and his family wanted to keep his infertility a secret forever to avoid any infamy about their family in their community.

For the past year, both didn't have sex at all. This was because stress, anxiety, and guilt started building inside Vishwanath. Due to this, he also started suffering from erectile dysfunction!

Recently before Vishwanath went to Canada for his work, both finally had agreed on getting sperms from a sperm bank, and this way she could get her child and the world will think that it's their own child.

However, whenever Mohini further tried to initiate the conversation regarding this on phone, Vishwanath avoided the subject somehow. After a few days, Maya got a call from her husband who told her that his stay in Canada got extended for another 6 months.

So, she asked him, "Vishu, what about our decision? I want to become a mother. I want a final decision from you. We talked about getting sperm donation! What did you decide on it?"

He dryly said without much emotion in his voice, "Maya, Listen! You know that, to make it happen, I should stay with you for some months, however, work is keeping me busy here!"

Seeing Dipesh's child recently, Maya had become eager like never before to bear a child.

She kept thinking that probably if she had been married to Dipesh, she would have led a normal married life with children.

Probably, both would have got a healthy child.

Destiny had played games with her and Dipesh badly, she thought.

Maya started crying with such indifferent behavior of Vishwanath and started crying and told him, "See Vishwanath, I owe you a lot. Without your help, it wouldn't have been possible for me to become a doctor. It wouldn't have been possible to cure my sister. I adore you for that. However, that doesn't mean you can simply disregard my emotions. Please come back early. We both will go to the sperm bank! Then you can go back!"

Vishwanath said, " Why so hurry? Let me come back after six months. We will go then...!"

Maya said, "But Vishwanath...!"

Before she could say anything, he cut the call.

Vishwanath was taking her for granted. Maya felt betrayed. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and seeing this, Tarini 's facial expressions were changing.

She thought, "My sister is everything to me. She did everything for me. I can't see tears in her eyes! Whoever is responsible for these tears will have to pay the price!"

That night, Maya was restless in her bed. Suddenly, she had an idea in her mind. It made her euphoric.

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