Days passed. On the first birthday of Mitali, the parents of both, and a few neighbours and some of their relatives came. All were discussing Mittu not being able to walk and sit properly yet. Dipesh and Dipika didn't discuss other abnormalities they had observed about Mitali with any of the parents. They didn't want to scare them and initiate unnecessary attention. They wanted to avoid talking about it among relatives.

Dipesh discussed with his mother and mother-in-law in short about it taking Dipika in confidence. However, he just gave a little hint so that they won't worry much. He also assured them that they will soon show Mittu to a Doctor.

Later, after a few days, all guests went to their respective places. Dipesh searched on the internet, but it gave him a lot of information which was frightening and confusing also. Hence, he decided not to search for anything more until and unless they visit a good doctor. One of Dipesh's colleagues called Jyoti who recently joined the company in their team and had quickly become a very good friend of Dipesh, suggested one doctor to him.

Some of her distant relatives in the United States of America also had a baby with similar kinds of symptoms. Through a discussion with them, she had come to know about very few doctors in India who only can treat this type of disease. Few of them were in Pune. But she didn't know much about the disease, but she said that Mitali may be suffering from Cerebral Palsy. When Dipesh told this to Dipika, both decided to show Mitali to the Doctor.

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