
Dipesh unexpectedly encountered his past love, Mohini Gore, in the form of a doctor whom he and his wife were now depending on for curing their child's disease. What an irony!

"Why has this happened to me?" Dipesh had thought when he first saw Mohini.

Dipesh had set her memories in the corner of his mind for a longer time and now suddenly those memories resurfaced and were trying to occupy his thoughts.

While Dipika, her mother and Mittu were sitting outside, Maya had told Dipesh on that day:

"Common types of treatment for cerebral palsy include physical therapy and rehabilitation. A child with cerebral palsy usually starts these therapies soon after being diagnosed. Physical therapy is one of the most important parts of treatment. Along with that, we give a few medicines which are suitable for children which help in muscle relaxation and anticonvulsants which help in reducing the future occurrence of epilepsy etc. You will have to do the muscle exercises daily and bring her twice a week for therapies and some treatments!"

Then there was a discussion on the cost involved.

Later, when Dipesh rose to leave with the files and medicines and instructions in his hand, Maya stopped him.


"Yes?", He looked back and their eyes met.

"Going? Won't talk to me?", A kind pleads in her eyes was seen while saying this.

"Yes, going! You didn't care when you suddenly disappeared during college time. Without even talking to me or leaving messages for me? Now asking me why I am leaving?", Dipesh said in a sarcastic and complaining tone.

"Did you try to know why I did that? What must have compelled me to do so?"

"Had you left any clue so that someone can check? You and all your family members disappeared and left the town within 3 days while I was away on a tour with my family!"

"Clue? I left a message in the form of a letter with Revati for you! Didn't she tell you?"

"Yes, she told me that..."

There was a knock on the door, "Anuradha sister here, Madam!"

"Please come in!"

Dipesh stood aside to let Anuradha in.

Anuradha said, "Madam, if you are done with Dipesh Sir, then can we let him go outside? Dipika fainted and the patient Mittu started crying! Can you please also come and see Dipika?"

Maya aka Mohini threw a meaningful glance at Dipesh and all three went outside.

Maya checked Dipika and wrote a few medicines for Dipika. Later, she became conscious. They booked a cab. Dipika and her mother sat in a cab.

Before Dipesh went to the cab, Maya told Dipesh in his ear, "Please take care of your wife. She is very delicate. You have got a very beautiful wife!"

Maya had noticed this when she closely checked Dipika when fainted.

"Thanks", Dipesh said.

Dipesh had a strange feeling after getting appreciation for his wife's beauty from his suddenly discovered ex-lover.

Now was not the time for sure to discuss their past. So, Dipesh left.

While returning home, Dipesh was thinking, "What Mohini must have told Revati? Did Revati lie to me?"

And while occupying her chair back in her cabin, Mohini was thinking, "What Revati must have told Dipesh? Did she lie to him?"

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