Tatya: "Listen carefully! Veterans in the village told me that once a strange looking horde had come to this village who were honey collectors and also ample honey drinkers. For money, this mad man (who wasn't mad at that time) helped the horde with the ways to collect honey and kill the honey bees brutally. On one full moon night they killed lakhs of honey bees and collected huge amount of honey!"

Raaj asked: "But I don't understand why they were drinking so much honey? From where did the horde come?"

Tatya said, "No one knows from where the horde came from!? But people say they were from Aghori cult which is a rebel section of black demons. They always drink honey very much. On a full moon night, they do a yagna in which they offer tons of honey and honey bees. It was their belief that, it would give them some special power. But on a full moon night, when the mad man suggested them the hundreds of brutal ways to capture, burn, torch and kill honey bees and when they started the yagna and drank tons of honey, immediately they died due to multiple injuries on all of their body from which a black honey mixed with blood came out. The injuries were so painful that their screams were heard for next 6 days even after they died! This happened because of the brutal killings of honey bees which returned back after death in the form of fire goblin. No insect died such a painful death like those mass deaths of honey bees on the full moon night. On full moon night, special Satanic forces fly in the air more strongly and help the bees’ spirits to take revenge! "

All of us were listening breathlessly!

I asked, "Then what happened next?"

Tatya said, "When the man saw the horrible shape of fire goblin, he started running but the goblin injured him all over the body. That full moon midnight, he ran away directionless!"

Raaj said, "So scary! What next. Where did he go?"


Tatya said, "He ran over many dead bodies in cemetery that midnight in full moonlight. Few dead bodies started moving their hands, tried to open their eyes inside the grave wishing that the goblin would give them power and take them out. Some dead bodies came out of the grave. Seeing that the man became full mad. The horde was found dead next morning and the mad man started wandering in the village telling people about fire goblin and the horde. Later, people threw him away from the village. Still people see him in the fort sometimes but he doesn't come in village. But yesterday he came because you invoked the fire goblin unintentionally! He gets possessed by goblin around full moon days!"

Hearing all this, we all got horrified very much.

Raaj asked, "But then, where did the mad man go yesterday?"

Tatya: "Today morning at 5 am, some people saw him crying and beating his chest on the top of the fort! News has spread in the village that the mad man is back and fire goblin will follow!"

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