These introductions over, William Emery put himself
at the disposal of the new arrivals, for in his position of
astronomer at the Cape, he was inferior in rank to Colonel
Everest, a delegate of the English Government, and, with
Matthew Strux, joint president of the commission. He
knew, as well, that he was a distinguished man of science,
famous for his reductions of the nebulae and his calculations
of the occupations of the stars. He was a cold, methodical
man, of about fifty years of age, every hour of his life being
portioned out with mathematical accuracy. Nothing unforeseen
ever happened to him, and his punctuality in every
thing was like that of the stars in passing the meridian, and
it might be said that all his doings were regulated by the
chronometer. William Emery knew all this, and had therefore
never doubted that the commission would arrive on
the appointed day.
During this time he was waiting for
the Colonel to tell him the object of this mission to South
Africa; but as he was still silent on the point, Emery
thought it better not to ask any questions, as very likely
the hour fixed in the Colonel's mind for the subject had
not yet come.
Emery also knew by repute the wealthy Sir John Murray,
who (almost a rival to Sir James Ross and Lord Elgin)
was, although without office, an honour to England by his
scientific labours. His pecuniary sacrifices to science were
likewise considerable, for he had devoted £20,000 to the
establishment of a giant reflector, a match for the telescope
at Parson Town, by whose means the elements of a number
of double stars had just been determined. He was a man
of about forty years of age, with an aristocratic bearing,
but whose character it was impossible to discover through
his imperturbable exterior.
As to the three Russians, Strux, Palander, and Zorn,
their names were also well known to William Emery,
although he was not personally acquainted with them.
Nicholas Palander and Michael Zorn paid a certain
amount of deference to Matthew Strux, as was due to
his position, if it had not been to his merit.
The only remark that Emery made was that they were
in equal numbers, three English and three Russians; and
the crew of the “Queen and Czar” (for that was the name
of the steamboat) consisted of ten men, five English and
five Russians.
“Mr. Emery,” said Colonel Everest, when the introductions
were over, “we are now as well acquainted as if we
had travelled together from London to Cape Voltas. Besides,
your labours have already earned you a just renown,
and on that account I hold you in high esteem. It was at
my request that the English Government appointed you to
assist in our operations in South Africa.”
William Emery bowed in acknowledgment, and thought
that he was now going to hear the object of the scientific
commission to the southern hemisphere; but still Colonel
Everest did not explain it.
“Mr. Emery,” he went on, “are your preparations complete?”
“Quite, Colonel,” replied the astronomer. “According
to the directions in Mr. Airy's letter, I left Cape Town a
month ago, and went to the station at Lattakoo, and there
I collected all the materials for an expedition into the interior
of Africa, provisions, waggons, horses, and bushmen. There
is an escort of 100 armed men waiting for you at Lattakoo,
and they will be under the command of a clever and celebrated
hunter, whom I now beg to present to you, the
bushman Mokoum.”
“The bushman Mokoum!” cried the Colonel (if his
usual cold tone could justify such a verb), “the bushman
Mokoum! I know his name perfectly well.”
“It is the name of a clever, brave African,” added Sir
John Murray, turning to the hunter, who was not at all
discomposed by the grand airs of the Europeans.
“The hunter Mokoum,” said William Emery, as he introduced
his companion,
“Your name is well known in the United Kingdom,
bushman,” replied Colonel Everest. “You were the friend
of Anderson and the guide of David Livingstone, whose
friend I have the honour of being. I thank you in the
name of England, and I congratulate Mr. Emery on having
chosen you as the chief of our caravan. Such a hunter as you
must be a connoisseur of fire-arms, and as we have a very fair
supply, I shall beg you to take your choice of the one which
will suit you the best; we know that it will be in good hands.”
A smile of satisfaction played round the bushman's lips,
for although he was no doubt gratified by the recognition
of his services in England, yet the Colonel's offer touched
him the most: he then returned thanks in polite terms, and
stepped aside, while Emery and the Europeans continued
their conversation.
The young astronomer went through all the details of
the expedition he had prepared, and the Colonel seemed
delighted. He was anxious to reach Lattakoo as quickly
as possible, as the caravan ought to start at the beginning
of March, after the rainy season.
“Will you be kind enough to decide how you will get to
the town, Colonel Everest?” said William Emery.
“By the Orange River, and one of its affluents, the Kuruman,
which flows close to Lattakoo.”
“True,” replied the astronomer, “but however well your
vessel may travel, it cannot possibly ascend the cataract
of Morgheda!”
“We will go round the cataract, Mr. Emery,” replied the
Colonel, “and by making a land journey of a few miles, we
can re-embark above the falls; and from there to Lattakoo,
if I am not mistaken, the rivers are navigable for a vessel
that does not draw much water.”
“No doubt, Colonel,” answered William Emery, “but
this steamboat is too heavy...”
“Mr. Emery,” interrupted the Colonel, “this vessel is a
masterpiece from Leard and Co's manufactory in Liverpool.
It takes to pieces, and is put together again with the greatest
ease, a key and a few bolts being all that is required by
men used to the work. You brought a waggon to the falls,
did you not?”
“Yes, Colonel,” answered Emery, “our encampment is
not a mile away.”
“Well, I must beg the bushman to have the waggon
brought to the landing-place, and it will then be loaded
with the portions of the vessel and its machinery, which
also takes to pieces; and we shall then get up to the spot
where the Orange becomes navigable.”
Colonel Everest's orders were obeyed. The bushman
disappeared quickly in the underwood, promising to be
back in less than an hour, and while he was gone, the
steamboat was rapidly unloaded. The cargo was not very
considerable; it consisted of some cases of philosophical
instruments; a fair collection of guns of Purdey Moore's
manufacture, of Edinburgh; some kegs of brandy; some
canisters of preserved meat; cases of ammunition; portmanteaus
reduced to the smallest size; tent-cloths and all
their utensils, looking as if they had come out of a travelling-bazaar;
a carefully packed gutta-percha canoe, which took
up no more room than a well-folded counterpane; some
materials for encamping, &c., &c.; and lastly, a fanshaped
mitrailleuse, a machine not then brought to perfection,
but formidable enough to terrify any enemy
who might come across their path.
All these were
placed on the bank; and the engine, of 8-horse power, was
divided into three parts: the boiler and its tubes; the
mechanism, which was parted from the boiler by a turn
of a key; and the screw attached to the false stern-post.
When these had been successively carried away, the inside
of the vessel was left free.
Besides the space reserved for
the machinery and the stores, it was divided into a fore-cabin
for the use of the crew, and an aft-cabin, occupied by
Colonel Everest and his companions. In the twinkling of
an eye the partitions vanished, all the chests and bedsteads
were lifted out, and now the vessel was reduced to a mere
shell, thirty-five feet long, and composed of three parts, like
the “Mâ-Robert,” the steam-vessel used by Dr. Livingstone
in his first voyage up the Zambesi. It was made of galvanized
steel, so that it was light, and at the same time
resisting. The bolts, which fastened the plates over a
framework of the same metal, kept them firm, and also
prevented the possibility of a leakage.
William Emery
was truly astounded at the simplicity of the work and the
rapidity with which it was executed.
The waggon, under
the guidance of Mokoum and the two Bochjesmen, had
only arrived an hour when they were ready to load it.
This waggon, rather a primitive vehicle, was mounted on
four massive wheels, each couple being about twenty feet
apart; it was a regular American “car” in length. This
clumsy machine, with its creaking axles projecting a good
foot beyond the wheels, was drawn by six tame buffaloes,
two and two, who were extremely sensitive to the long
goad carried by their driver. It required nothing less than
such beasts as these to move the vehicle when heavily laden,
for in spite of the adroitness of the “leader,” it stuck in the
mire more than once.
The crew of the “Queen and Czar”
now proceeded to load the waggon so as to balance it well
every where. The dexterity of sailors is proverbial, and
the lading of the vehicle was like play to the brave men.
They laid the larger pieces of the boat on the strongest
part of the waggon, immediately over the axles of the
wheels, so that the cases, chests, barrels, and the lighter
and more fragile packages easily found room between
them. As to the travellers themselves, a four miles' walk
was nothing to them.
By three o'clock the loading was
finished, and Colonel Everest gave the signal for starting.
He and his companions, with William Emery as guide,
took the lead, while the bushman, the crew, and the drivers
of the waggon followed more slowly.
They performed the
journey without fatigue, for the slopes that led to the upper
course of the Orange made their road easy, by making it
longer, and this was a happy thing for the heavily-laden
waggon, as it would thus reach its goal more surely, if
more slowly.
The different members of the commission clambered
lightly up the side of the hill, and the conversation became
general, but there was still no mention of the object of the
expedition. The Europeans were admiring the splendid
scenes that were opened to their view, for this grand nature,
so beautiful in its wildness, charmed them as it had charmed
the young astronomer, and their voyage had not yet surfeited
them with the natural beauties of this African region,
though they admired every thing with a quiet admiration,
and, English-like, would not do any thing that might seem
“improper.” However, the cataract drew forth some graceful
applause, and although they clapped perhaps with only
the tips of their fingers, yet it was enough to show that
“nil admirari” was not quite their motto.
Besides, William
Emery thought it his duty to do the honours of
South Africa to his guests; for he was at home, and like
certain over-enthusiastic citizens, he did not spare a detail
of his African park.
Towards half-past four they had
passed the cataract of Morgheda, and being now on level
ground, the upper part of the river lay before them as far
as their eye could reach, and they encamped on the bank to
await the arrival of the waggon.
It appeared at the top of
the hill about five o'clock, having accomplished the journey
in safety, and Colonel Everest ordered it to be unloaded
immediately, announcing that they were to start at day-break
the next morning.
All the night was passed in
different occupations. The shell of the vessel was put
together again in less than an hour; then the machinery
of the screw was put into its place; the metal partitions
were fixed between the cabins; the store-rooms were refurnished,
and the different packages neatly arranged on
board, and every thing done so quickly that it told a great
deal in favour of the crew of the “Queen and Czar.”
These Englishmen and Russians were picked men, clever
and well disciplined, and thoroughly to be depended on.
The next day, the 1st of February, the boat was ready to
receive its passengers at daybreak. Already there was a
volume of black smoke pouring from the funnel, and the
engineer, to put the machinery in motion, was causing jets
of white steam to fly across the smoke. The machine being
at high pressure, without a condenser, the steam escaped at
every stroke of the piston, according to the system applied
to locomotives; and as to the boiler, with its ingeniously
contrived tubes, presenting a large surface to the furnace,
it only required half an hour to furnish a sufficient quantity
of steam. They had laid in a good stock of ebony and
guiacum, which were plentiful in the neighbourhood, and
they were now lighting the great fire with this valuable
At six o'clock Colonel Everest gave the signal for starting,
and passengers and crew went on board the “Queen
and Czar.” The hunter, who was acquainted with the
course of the river, followed, leaving the two Bochjesmen
to take the waggon back to Lattakoo.
Just as the vessel
was slipping its cable. Colonel Everest turned to the astronomer,
and said,—
“By-the-bye, Mr. Emery, you know why we have come
“I have not the least idea, Colonel.”
“It is very simple, Mr. Emery: we have come to measure
an arc of meridian in South Africa.”




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Books related to The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in Southern Africa

जीवनाचे शिल्पकार
Roads of Destiny
अगम्य (गूढ कथा)
नेहमी पडणारी स्वप्न आणि त्यांचे अर्थ
एस्केप फ्रॉम डाऊन अंडर
मराठी कथा, कविता आणि कादंबरी
टाईम ट्रॅव्हल - द बिगिनिंग
The Jewel of Seven Stars