कडकनाथ ह्यांचा जन्म मूळ ओरिसातील पण मागील ३० वर्षे ते पॅरानॉर्मल इन्वेस्टीगेटवर म्हणजे अतींद्रिय शक्तीचे अन्वेषक म्हणून काम करतात.
Treasure Island

While going through the possessions of a deceased guest who owed them money, the mistress of the inn and her son find a treasure map that leads them to a pirate's fortune. This is considered one of the greatest books of English literature and was written by ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON

Door to Infinity

This is a cosmic horror story written by EDMOND HAMILTON. This story is filled with horror, thrill and weirdness.

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus

Frankenstein by MARY W. SHELLEY is easily one of the most legendary horror stories of last 300 years. Countless movies and tv series and other horror stories have been inspired by this story. When it was published it shook many people. Unlike the paranormal horror this book is about bad science.

Voodoo Planet

Voodoo Planet is one of the most popular science fiction story from 1960s. This story is about a group of people stuck on a planet with alien ghosts and their adventure.


किशोरीलाल गोस्वामी

काश्मीर प्रिन्सेस विमान दुर्घटना : सत्यकथा

साहना ह्यांनी हि सत्यकथा आम्हाला पाठवली आहे. १९५५ साली एअर इंडिया चे लॉकहीड कॉन्स्टलेशन बनावटीचे विमान मुंबई हून हॉंगकॉंग आणि तिथून इंडोनेशियातील बांडुंग येथे जात होते. ह्या विमानाला भीषण अपघात झाला. नक्की काय घडले ? ह्या अपघातातून कोण वाचले , ह्यांत इतर देशांचा हात होता का ? अश्या प्रश्नाची उत्तरे ह्या पुस्तकांत मिळतील. हि सत्यघटना आहे.